Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A- Attached or Single? very attached
B- Best Friend? Kristie Meloney until we moved from San Diego, Kelsi Tsuchida in Seattle, Livi Osborne, Katie Denkers, Jane Metcalf, Christina Brazier, Kristine Metcalf, McKenzie Ricks, and Ashley Johnson while at BYU-Idaho, and now my love, Ryan
C- Cake or Pie? Pie -cheesecake
D- Day of choice? Thursday
E- Essential item? my black planner and hand sanitizer
F- Favorite color? red wine
G- Gummy bears or worms? gummy bears. Ate Harbo gummy bears everyday when I was in Europe! Jane and Katie can testify!
H- Hometown? Mt. Holly, North Carolina
I- Favorite Indulgence? The Bachelor, freezie pops, kissing Ryan
J- January or July? January equals hot chocolate and cuddling. duh!
K- Kids? I would love 4 but Ryan wants 5...we'll see...
L- Life isn't complete without? laughter
M- Marriage date? August 9, 2008
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 2 bros 1 sis, and some in-laws! I love my peeps
O- Oranges or Apples? apples. I have probably tried 85% of all known apples in the US. I went through a huge apple kick in high school and I would eat like 3 apples a day. Fav apple you ask? Pink Lady's of course!
P- Phobia and fears? claustrophobia, being alone, getting a spider bite on my face
Q- Quote? "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade"
R- Reasons to smile? Ryan, the sound of rain, laughing with my mom until we cry, watching What's Up Doc, seeing my nephew for the first time after he was born, warm showers, good hair days, fluffy pillows, warm towels, twizzlers pull-and-peel, weddings, eisley music, driving to the beach, new shoes
S- Season of choice? spring
T- Tag 3 people: McKenzie R, Jessie G, Esther W
U- Unknown fact about me: i technically read at a 7th grade level...go figure
V- Vegetable? zucchini
W- Worst Habit? i crack my knuckles all the time
X - Ray or Ultrasound? both. x-ray of my nose, shins, finger. ultrasound of my calves, arm, foot, thigh
Y- Your favorite food? its a tie between Japanese and Thai
Z- Zodiac sign? Leo- birthday is in 5 days!


Livi said...

Thanks for playing - love your list!

Jane said...

fun list. you're cute. gummi bears for realsies!!! The flight home I swear you turned into a gummi bear. The big day is coming SOOOON!!!