Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Friends Rock!

Lately, Ryan and I have been hanging out with a super cool married couple, Brad and Hailey Kemper. We have decided that hanging out with married people is much more fun than hanging out with single friends. Brad is Ryan's childhood friend. It is the greatest thing listening to their stories...boys will be boys. Brad and Hailey have known each other since they were 8 years old. Seriously! Brad and Hailey own a sweet TV and a Wii so we have spent 2 of our nights over at their house. Pictures will come soon. Just wanted to blog and say, I'm happy I have some new friends.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Sound of Music!

What a fun night! My future sis-in-law, Hayley, has been taking some acting classes at a performing arts school. She has been working so hard on their latest musical, The Sound of Music. Hayley is 14 and the most beauuutiful girl I have ever seen. It's been great getting to know her and talking about all our favorite Disney stars, Zac Efron, the Jonas Brothers, Mylie Cyrus...But anyways, Hayley is a STAR. She played multiple roles during the Sound of Music. Her main role was Sister Margaretta. She was also in the party scene with the waltz, the towns folk when Maria is going to the Von trap house, and was singing in almost every song. It was so fun to see her up there! Her talent is amazing! I was so proud. Ryan and I are craving to watch the movie now. The whole cast was amazing and deep down, really deep down, I wished I had gotten into musicals when I was her age. Here are some fun pics!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wii Guitar Hero!

We had a blast! The Wii rocks. We also played Mario Kart and it was INSANE. I'm absolutely terrible at it. You steer with a wheel and it's wayyyyy to interactive for me. I'm sticking to my N64.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

50 Randoms

My best friend McKenzie tagged me awhile ago to post 50 random things about myself and I'm finally getting around to it. SO here it goes.

1. I'm Canadian.
2. And proud of it. Let the jokes begin.
3. I could play Solitaire all day long.
4. I see scrap booking as a waste of time and money.
5. I'd rather buy shoes.
6. I work at the GAP.
7. And I get paid to look good.
8. I love to wear cardigans.
9. My favorite temple is Washington D.C.
10. I lived in Buffalo, New York for 3 years.
11. I've never been to Hawaii.
12. I got a mission call.
13. To Warsaw, Poland.
14. But I'm getting married instead.
15. In 84 days.
16. To the hottest man alive, Sir Ryan Briggs.
17. Even though I hate, HATE feet, I love getting my feet rubbed.
18. Ew right?
19. I try to get a manicure once a month.
20. My favorite color is blue.
21. I lost some weight this year apparently.
22. None of my 2007 summer clothes fit.
23. I think I lost 10 lbs.
24. My parents think it's because I was so stressed over the Mission/Marriage decision.
25. I believe it.
26. I have the best friends ALIVE. Shout out to 310.
27. I love seeing Ryan in white.
28. I've been to Europe.
29. Best month ever! Favorite place definitely was London!
30. I love love love to eat twizzlers pull-and-peal licorice.
31. It's a delicacy in the Steele family.
32. My sister is my hero. She rocks and looks good 24/7.
33. I have only been in one car accident.
34. And it was definitely my fault.
35. My first car was a Geo Tracker, and it was bright green with sparkles.
36. My religion is my life.
37. My family is most important to me.
38. I secretly love country music.
39. I'm obsessed with my UGG boots.
40. I think I spend more money on the GAP than I make. Go figure.
41. I love to cuddle with Ryan.
42. He makes me feel safe.
43. Not sure why I'm scared, but he gives the best hugs ever.
44. My dad is a fast runner and he kicks my butt every time we go running.
45. I love North Carolina. I've been converted.
46. Never tried grits, ew, they look disgusting.
47. My nephew Benjamin is a stud and I hope I get recognized for his Baby Gap-ness.
48. I hope I'll get another niece/nephew next year (Tiff??)
49. I miss BYU-Idaho and my old roomies :-(
50. but I am so ready to get married for Time and All Eternity!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I love you Mom!
Some reasons why I love my Mom:
1. She is an awesome cook and it has been fun learning from her over the years.
2. She loves my Dad and they show to me that you can still be deep in love after 27 years!
3. She tickles my arm whenever I stretch it out :-)
4. She loves chocolate licorice just as much as I do.
5. She has made this move to NC easy for me.
6. Our house is beautiful because of her.
7. She's 51 and super hot.
8. She has such a strong testimony of Temples and it has really helped and strengthened my testimony of temple worship and attendance. I love seeing her in white.
9. She continually supplies me with chocolate snack packs, goldfish, and diet coke.
10. She is such a beautiful person and I have really appreciated her as my best friend this last year.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ellen and the Hawaiian Chair

BEWARE: You will fall out of your chair laughing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Engagement Pictures!

Which one do you like?

Good Morning

Sophie has come to wake me up everyday this week. By biting my ears.

What a gem.