Thursday, July 24, 2008


Tonight, Ryan and I took on my dad and brother, Jared. It was intense. Ryan played a lot in high school and before the mission, so he's got some skills (it's hott!) And as for me, I work really hard so I'm improving. Actually, I want to join a fall tennis league at one of the country clubs close to our house. SO. We played doubles and by the time we got done, 3 hours later, and 22 games later, Ryan and I lost to my Dad and Jared. But that's ok. It was so intense and it just makes me want to try harder next time! We now have plans to play every Thursday. After the wedding it will be quite cozy in the Steele home with, Mom and Dad, Jared, and Ryan and I. BUT we want to make tennis a focus. My dad even said, I'm glad we played tennis today instead of going to the driving range. Wait, What? Good times had by all.


McKenzie said...

OMG... You're so close!! I love you!!

Livi said...

I miss seeing you come in from Tennis in your cute tennis skirt. Love you!