Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A- Attached or Single? very attached
B- Best Friend? Kristie Meloney until we moved from San Diego, Kelsi Tsuchida in Seattle, Livi Osborne, Katie Denkers, Jane Metcalf, Christina Brazier, Kristine Metcalf, McKenzie Ricks, and Ashley Johnson while at BYU-Idaho, and now my love, Ryan
C- Cake or Pie? Pie -cheesecake
D- Day of choice? Thursday
E- Essential item? my black planner and hand sanitizer
F- Favorite color? red wine
G- Gummy bears or worms? gummy bears. Ate Harbo gummy bears everyday when I was in Europe! Jane and Katie can testify!
H- Hometown? Mt. Holly, North Carolina
I- Favorite Indulgence? The Bachelor, freezie pops, kissing Ryan
J- January or July? January equals hot chocolate and cuddling. duh!
K- Kids? I would love 4 but Ryan wants 5...we'll see...
L- Life isn't complete without? laughter
M- Marriage date? August 9, 2008
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 2 bros 1 sis, and some in-laws! I love my peeps
O- Oranges or Apples? apples. I have probably tried 85% of all known apples in the US. I went through a huge apple kick in high school and I would eat like 3 apples a day. Fav apple you ask? Pink Lady's of course!
P- Phobia and fears? claustrophobia, being alone, getting a spider bite on my face
Q- Quote? "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade"
R- Reasons to smile? Ryan, the sound of rain, laughing with my mom until we cry, watching What's Up Doc, seeing my nephew for the first time after he was born, warm showers, good hair days, fluffy pillows, warm towels, twizzlers pull-and-peel, weddings, eisley music, driving to the beach, new shoes
S- Season of choice? spring
T- Tag 3 people: McKenzie R, Jessie G, Esther W
U- Unknown fact about me: i technically read at a 7th grade level...go figure
V- Vegetable? zucchini
W- Worst Habit? i crack my knuckles all the time
X - Ray or Ultrasound? both. x-ray of my nose, shins, finger. ultrasound of my calves, arm, foot, thigh
Y- Your favorite food? its a tie between Japanese and Thai
Z- Zodiac sign? Leo- birthday is in 5 days!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dinner with Linds and Ryan

We love our friends Lindsey and Ryan! We met up and went to Fox & Hound for some drinks and appetizers.

The Good Old Bothell Dance Days!

Random Story:
When I was in Seattle, I had a friend in my stake named Jordan Staples. He went to a different high school but it seemed like every time we saw each other was at Bothell Stake youth dances. The place to be I guess on a Friday night. We never danced. Only talked and make fun of the dorky kids. So, Jordan's family moved to Utah and we lost touch. Then randomly one day on Facebook, I found him! Turns out he had gone a mission to Canada, he's a current student at Utah State and he is married! Him and his wife Paige are out here in Charlotte for the summer selling security. So, we hung out tonight. It was so much fun catching up with him and really looking forward to married life. Hanging out with married couples is the best! We loved it. And 6 years later and he's the same Jordan! His wife Paige is a beauty and we had a good time chatting about the upcoming wedding!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Two weeks from now, I will be in the temple, dressed in white, kneeling across the alter looking at the love of my life. So excited for time and all eternity!

Just a note though, where did the freakin time go? Because I swear yesterday it was February 16th when Ryan and I got engaged, I blinked, and now we are just 2 weeks away from the big day. only 166 days of waiting....haha. I have experienced so many wonderful and beautiful moments with Ryan. He is such an amazing person and I truly am my best self when I am with him. ok ok ok...enough.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Tonight, Ryan and I took on my dad and brother, Jared. It was intense. Ryan played a lot in high school and before the mission, so he's got some skills (it's hott!) And as for me, I work really hard so I'm improving. Actually, I want to join a fall tennis league at one of the country clubs close to our house. SO. We played doubles and by the time we got done, 3 hours later, and 22 games later, Ryan and I lost to my Dad and Jared. But that's ok. It was so intense and it just makes me want to try harder next time! We now have plans to play every Thursday. After the wedding it will be quite cozy in the Steele home with, Mom and Dad, Jared, and Ryan and I. BUT we want to make tennis a focus. My dad even said, I'm glad we played tennis today instead of going to the driving range. Wait, What? Good times had by all.

Friday, July 18, 2008


3 weeks away from being a wife!

Batman was AWESOME!


Go see it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bowling with The Kempers!

Fun double date! Our married friends Brad and Hailey Kemper found the best bowling alley. We played 2 games and went to McDonald's afterwards. Here are some fun pics!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

America's Next Top Bride

Seriously, I took my Bridal pictures and I felt like America's Next Top-Bride. I had a BLAST. My dress is PERFECT. My photographer is amazing. I love her. Her husband also helped out with shooting pics and angles. We even went outside to this amazing old Lutheran church that has a huge RED door. Can't wait to see those shots! Hooray! I am so excited to show them off to all ya'll. Ryan does a very faithful job of reading my blog on his own free time so I won't post pics until after the wedding day. Too bad! But, I really enjoyed being the center of attention. Is that bad? NOPE CAUSE I'M THE BRIDE. Yep. Deal. It's just one day out of my life! (Sorry that was a nasty post--wait until you get married because wearing 15 yards of white fabric is very enthralling)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Every year is different. I remember going down to Idaho Falls, my freshman year at BYU-Idaho, to watch fireworks. I remember getting stuck in the lame post firework traffic getting back on the I-15 AND being late for curfew and signing the stupid book. Ew. Dorms suck.
I then remember one summer when my dear best friend Livi Osborne came back to school after her Study Abroad in Florence Italy and I opted to go to Idaho Falls with Jane and the gang to greet Livi at our apartment Brookside 310.
Last summer 2007, Jane Metcalf and I went down to the Kirkland waterfront with our adopted singles ward, Sammamish Valley. It was a blast! Before, we tried going to Chipotle (best Mexican food on the planet) but it was closed...go figure...so we went to Whole Foods and got a wonderful sandwich.

We brought blankets and of course our camera! We had just watched the new Transformers...and so we took some great action shots of our interpretation!

It was such a great day! Our fun summer sales friends kept the jokes going and then talked us into driving them home after fireworks....
This year....I have a wonderful Fiance. The 4th is definitely one of my favorite holidays so I was SO pumped to cuddle up with Ryan, watch some fireworks and hang out down at the lake. But, my man had to work. On a positive note, he got paid for time and a half. YAY! I had to be creative flying solo. I went to the pool to lay out. Definitely needed. Came back, made some awesome nachos, and I noticed it started raining a bit. Oh, the rain didn't stop for 4 hours. So, I baked cookies, watched bits and pieces of America's Next Top Model marathon, What Not To Wear, Chicken Run, Spiderman 2, and FINALLY...the rain stopped. So Sophie and I went out to the dock, met up with some neighbors, and watched the fireworks. Talk about neat experience. The neighbors had brought some pretty wild fireworks and my poor baby Sophie was shaking...the whole time. Gotta love her! Anyways, Ryan and I have a fun day planned for the 5th so maybe that will be our new holiday :-)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We could if we wanted to!

Ryan and I have our marriage license AND living ordinance recommend from the Stake Pres.

Basically, we could go get married at anytime. Eloping is cool right?

I told my mom this and she said, "I will murder you in broad daylight....and not care. You better not."

So we won't. Wedding is still on for Aug. 9th.